Meet Our Team
Based in Birmingham, Alabama, Bib & Tucker Sew-Op is a 501(c)3 dedicated to cultivating skills and community for those who sew or want to sew.
Meet Our Staff
Beth Ann Trammell
Beth's favorite color at the moment is all shades of pink. She quickly
learned about the Sew-Op from a local artist after moving to Birmingham
in 2021 and has been a fan ever since. Her fabric collection is
otherworldly and maybe one day will use it all. When she is not working
she is typically hiking.
Meet Our Board
Shirley Hamilton
Shirley likes the colors of the ocean, particularly towards the teal and peacock end of the spectrum, add some corals and salmons and it becomes the sunset over the ocean! Shirley volunteered with Bib & Tucker Sew-Op as soon as she learned of them in 2012 and remains active. Known as the sewing machine whisperer, she collects and repairs vintage machines and gave away 42 when she moved recently! (She still has a large collection).
Mary Bergeron
Mary’s favorite color is blue, with kelly green close behind. She joined Bib & Tucker Sew-Op in 2018 and worked mostly with the baby quilts initiative. After retiring from UAB in 2021, she became much more involved with the sew-op. Mary's husband Roland is the official shop handyman, fixing and building things as needed. Mary has three children and three grandchildren. Being able to learn from other members as well as share her own knowledge is Mary's favorite part of the sew-op.
Haruyo Miyagawa
Haruyo's favorite color is indigo blue, the hues of sea and sky. She joined Bib & Tucker Sew-Op in 2016 shortly after retiring from working for 27 years at the Birmingham Public Library. The sew-op has given her a sense of community and an outlet for creative expression.
Rona Harper
Rona's favorite color is red, followed by purple. She joined Bib & Tucker Sew-Op in 2019 which started out being a respite for her. It turned out to be much more when her husband Frank died several months after she joined. She loved teaching; she taught 3 to 5-year-old deaf children in California for 39 years.
Sonya Muhammad
Sonya Muhammad first joined Bib & Tucker Sew-Op in 2018 because she wanted to learn how to quilt. She was previously Bib & Tucker's Youth Program Lead. She loves to teach math, and her favorite color is purple.
Miriam Omura
Miriam’s favorite color is blue, although briefly she claimed it to be yellow in her ‘rebellious’ teenage years. She joined Bib & Tucker Sew-Op officially in 2019 after coming to them for help with an art project. She enjoys the community she has gained from the sew-op. Outside of the sew-op Miriam is a studio artist who mostly works in textiles.
Igenella Smith
Igenella’s favorite color is orange, and she sees the world through bright colors. She has been a member of Bib & Tucker Sew-Op since 2022. Walking is her favorite way to enjoy the day.